WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 10/4

A quick reminder for tomorrow: Tami and Melinda will be taking a large group of Wee Friends to the farm in the morning! Here’s the roster: Arleigh, Alma, Addi, Umi, Kai, Owen, Ada, Annie and Jane. Please make sure your child is here by 9am at the latest, with boots or closed toe shoes/socks and a jacket to wear to the farm.

Tami is also planning a field trip to the apple orchard Friday for everyone in the WF classroom! More details to follow.

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The morning was filled with lots of counting! When our swimmers left for the Y, there were a few confused WF who thought they were also scheduled to go. Melinda created a calendar and helped friends count the days until the larger group of swimmers will go to the Y.

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IMG 9794Next was “Five Little Monkies Swinging on a Tree…” Melinda began the game in hopscotch by pretending to be the alligator hiding in the jungle gym. Monkey friends would come along and “…Snap! Then there were three…”. She played the counting game again later in the reading area.

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While the swimmers were still out, we gathered the rest of the WF and went for a long walk through the neighborhood. We studied the trees and felt prickly pine needles. We picked up some tiny pine cones and examined the very tall pine tree from which they fell. We caught a train passing by and stayed to watch the cars and hear the very loud train sounds. As we passed the church on the corner of 29th and Wall St., we pointed out our lunch bell high on the church steeple. Everyday at noon , the bells ring and WF have come to regard this as their lunch bell!

For lunch we served melted turkey and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, grapes and corn

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Have a great day.

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 10/4

  1. Ah, yes, the lunch bell. This was a source of confusion and then laughter for us: Many months ago (probably right after the lunch buddy concept was initiated), Nate informed us of the following: Nate, Annie, church bells. We weren’t quite sure what to make of this. Did Nate think of Annie and church bells, and what could that MEAN? He’s a lover, alright, but even this seemed beyond his understanding. Soon enough we came to find out that Annie was Nate’s lunch buddy and as soon as he heard the church bells, he’d run and find Annie so that they could go in for lunch. The kid seriously LOVES his food (and his lunch buddy, obviously)!

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