WF Farm, 10.5.11

In the WF Classroom, the children stayed busy before the farm trip doing math lessons and drawing at the art table.  Miss Laurie had some wonderful individual time with small “standby” group in the classroom while the larger group was at the farm.  Because the camera goes with the farm group, it is hard to see all the great things that can happen when the small number of children makes the group time so intimate.  A few of the things were:


  • Miss Laurie read Pinocchio and the kids had conversations and dramatic play around this.
  • They created pictures on orange paper with black paint.
  • Outside, they gathered leaves from the yard and made a leaf mural on the outside art easel.  They also had a great time creating their own trees with leaves and the basketball hoops. 

Farm Day! Melinda and Tami had another fantastic day with sunshine and warm temperatures to be at the farm. 

We did the regular chores today…feeding the goats, chickens, and turkeys.  The children spent lots of time hand feeding the goats, Luna the cow and the horses some grain.  They are all gaining confidence in this very up close and personal interaction with the larger (and in the case of the goats, pushier) farm animals.

The kids spent some time harvesting the last of the green beans from Miss Charlotte’s garden. 






We also had some time for some horse back riding today!

And while the kids waited, we played with Sunscreen, the kitten.  Sunscreen is remarkably loving and laid back to be passed around for a long time without ever taking a break from her purring. 





We also spent time in the praire playing with the milk weed seed pods.  They are fully ripe on many of the plants.  The milk weed seeds are soft & irresistable to touch, blow, and throw in the air. 



Then, it ws back to WF for lunch of whole wheat couscous, french green beans and mandarin oranges.