WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 10/11

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Before the swimmers left, Melinda took an opportunity to remind Wee Friends where the toys in housekeeping go. Putting toys back in their designated spot is a skill we work on everyday.



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Yesterday we began a conversation about shells. We specifically discussed snails, turtles, eggs and nuts. We talked about a shell’s purpose for the living creature inside. We explored an egg, walnut and seashell and then recreated these objects with felt.


When the swimmers departed, all corners of the classroom were in full gear!

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Ada and Stephen have been enjoying spending alot of time together these last several days.



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Nate and Alexandra prepared pies and muffins for……



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BFF’s Umi and Alma!




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Melinda created a tent over housekeeping and everyone played underneath.



For lunch we served chicken salad with apples, fruit salad and baked butternut squash.

Have a great day!