WWF, Fun and falling leaves! 10-11-11

What better way to start the day than with our “Hello Song.” Miss Paulina did some beautiful music for us. Some of the children also played our drums the rhythm of the music, while others did some dancing.


Almost all of our new friends have the words and motions “down pat” to our Donut Shop Game, and Sloane is usually the first one in the circle starting us out with the motions. Eleanor stepped right up today, and was an eager participant. We then read a new book about fall.

Some of us played in our tub of leaves, while others spent time making some beautiful glue and glitter collages accompanied by some colorful fall leaves we brought in from outside.


Our new silky square of fabric has come in handy for a sensory activity for our babies, and the older children seem to use it for us to make forts and houses. Our new baby dolls have also been getting much use, as our little girls have been taking wonderful care of them. Marta, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Elizabeth and Sloane have been working hard on feeding them, swinging them, and clothing them.







It was a beautiful morning outside. Marta especially, has become a skilled peddler on our tricycles. Elizabeth is getting close, and our grocery carts and Blue Dogs seem to still be popular with the children.

For breakfast this morning, toast and fresh fruit was served. For lunch the children had delicious chicken salad with apples, whole wheat bread, shredded carrots, and bananas.

We were glad to welcome Olivia back today after she spent a few days teaching her little brother the “ropes!” We look forward to him being a part of our WWF family in January.

May your day be filled with the beauty and splendid color of the day!



Happy Fall!