WF Daily Explorations Friday 10/14

Mixers…Shakers…Pie Crust Makers!!!!!!

We spent the morning making apple pie!

In various small groups, Wee Friends completed all the steps it takes to make apple pie. Jane, Kai, Ada, Annie and Macy measured and mixed the sugar and spice!

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Alma and Umi prepared the crust by rolling it out, patting it, crimping the edges with a fork and painting egg white all over.

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Everybody had a chance to core/peel the apples.

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We combined the cut apples with the dry sugar mixture and scooped it into two pie shells.

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Annie and Ada added created a lattice dough design on top, painted on more egg white and turned it over to Kai and Jane who sprinkled a bit of sugar all over.

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It’s cooling on the stove and ready for snack!

Tami added Fairy Tale templates to our Shadow Puppet Theatre!

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Melinda taught everybody “The Chicken”!

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The gymnastics bus will be here Monday at 9am ready for the first group and 9:30 for the second!

For lunch we served PB/honey on whole wheat bread, peas and craisins.

Have a great weekend!

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2 thoughts on “WF Daily Explorations Friday 10/14

  1. They each look very serious about their pie. The hard work paid off; I bet it was delicious! I love the shadow puppets too!

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