WF Daily Explorations Monday 10/17

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Friday’s apple pie was finger lickin’ good! Wee Friends gobbled their project/creation down with apple cider.

Miss Jennifer arrived at 9am for gymnastics. Today they worked on the Climbing Ladder and Incline Mat. They used a rope ladder to climb to the top of the bus (inside!) and touched the ceiling. They learned glide and tuck swings, and rolled forward and backwards on the incline mat.

In housekeeping, we added witches hats, pumpkin pails, rubber snakes and other halloweenie materials.

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After gymnastics Kai, Ada, Arleigh and Macy played a milk bottle math game. Using rubber bracelets and plastic spiders, they tried to toss them onto the neck of the bottle. They counted to 7 (7 milk bottles) as they tossed and then sorted the materials, by color, placing them onto/into the bottles.

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We conducted an apple taste test using Granny Smith, Red and Golden Delicious and Honeycrisp apples.

We began by reading “Apples, Apples, Apples” by Nancy Wallace in which the main character is named Minna!

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Our Minna showed Wee Friend’s each different variety. They discussed the color of each apple. She offered a small taste of each talking about sour and sweet.

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When everyone had a bite of each apple, Tami gave each child a sticker with his/her name on it. They stuck it on a message board, under their favorite apple.

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Alexandra and other friends played a matching pumpkin bingo and Alma and Umi worked on writing their names.

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For lunch we served Tuna casserole, mixed veggies and WWF Lisa’s homemade applesauce. Thank you, Lisa!

Have a terrific Monday!