WF Daily Explorations Wednesday 10/19

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Boy, did we make the most of this rainy day! Our morning began with a rehearsal: Jane practiced being a bird “for my recital tonight with my Dad.” Our breakfast eaters were a captive audience, watching and listening closely.

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After breakfast, a small group of friends moved to the truck room where we read about another bird, Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman. Umi, in particular, has asked us to read this book several times in the last few days. The kids know it so well that they asked the question “are you my mother?” every time it came up in the book. At one point, I stopped reading the words and they told the story, describing what they saw in the pictures. We found two other books about animals searching for their mothers, Little Baa (Kim Lewis) and Are You My Mommy (Carla Dijs) and compared and contrasted the three. We discussed where our own mothers are today. Afterwards, we acted out the story, blindfolding the baby bird who was searching for his/her mama.

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The mother and child reunions were a little slice of heaven with big smiles and big embraces.

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We introduced a new math game called “Flatware Fun!” Using butter knives, forks and spoons, friends sorted, counted, sketched, wrote corresponding numbers and adapted/created the game according to their developmental understanding.

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Melinda read Macy’s book Good Dog Carl by Alexandra Day. The book is about a dog and has no written words. Melinda guided friends as they shared ideas about what was happening, based on the illustrations.



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Friends have been playing a lot with waffle blocks this week. At one point this morning, a huge group was in the truck room playing and building collaboratively.

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Melinda led a music lesson describing the concept of a note. She demonstrated which instruments played notes and which did not (piano/tambourine). She played her accordian and had musicians play a four count rhythm, encouraging them to count aloud and play on the beat.

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For lunch we served whole wheat tortillas with melted cheese, fruit salad and black beans.

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While lunch tables were set, Melinda and Wee Friends stretched out!

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Enjoy your day.

PS: Your child’s art has been collected and placed in bags in their cubbies to take home today!