WF Daily Explorations Thursday 11/3

This morning Melinda helped friends create three different types of paint.


First, friends took turns mixing flour, water and green/blue food dye. Next, they added magenta watercolor to Karo syrup. Lastly, they mixed corn starch, water and orange tempera paint.


They studied the recipe and ingredients. They explored the textures of the corn starch and syrup. They measured dry and wet ingredients and worked hard to blend them by vigorously stirring.

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Afterwards, they used the paint to create a collage. As they painted, a few friends wrote their names or the first letter of their name.

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Later in the morning we created a message board that asked the question “Which paint was your favorite?” Each friend put a sticker with his/her name under the column representing their favorite paint.

Today for lunch we served toasted ham and cheese on whole wheat muffins, peas and banana/pineapple fruit salad.


Have a great day.

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