WF Daily Explorations 11/4


About two weeks ago, we re-introduced the sign in sheet to our Wee Friends. Each morning, each friend traces the letters of their name. Kindergartener Kai is now working on his last name as well.


In preparation for our November 17th 4:30pm Fall Concert, Wee Friends rehearsed four songs: “Flush and Wash”, Wee Friends Anthems #1 and #2 and “The Johnny Appleseed Song.” Mark your calendars and don’t miss it!!

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We played the Jumping Beans Game in which a friend pulled out a bean shaped piece of felt with either a dot, a number or a letter on it. If they chose a dotted bean, we sang a song. If it was a lettered bean, we discovered which friend’s name started with that letter. If it was a number on the bean, we performed an action that many times.


We started talking about Thanksgiving today. We asked the children “What Do You Know About Thanksgiving?” We read Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland. We discussed the things we are thankful for and created art representing these ideas. We hung the art on our reading area tree.


Some friends chose to trace their fingers and turn them into turkeys by gluing multi-colored feathers on them.

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Our new friend Elliott spent part of the morning with us, playing in the truck room with Stephen, Nate and Simon. We will welcome him full time on Monday!

For lunch we served melted cheese on whole wheat tortillas, salad and grapes.


Have a restful weekend!

2 thoughts on “WF Daily Explorations 11/4

  1. What is this I hear about the Cheesehead song! Is my child being indoctrinated into the cult of Green Bay Packers fans????

  2. Alexandra…you can partly blame my husband for the Cheesehead inspired song! He received a Cheesehead hat upon defending his thesis at the University of Madison-Wisconsin. We donated the hat to WF last year since it just sat on a shelf in his closet collecting dust and we knew WF could creatively put it to good use! ALL the kids love the Cheesehead song!

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