WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 11/8

Today the older swimmers practiced jumping off the bloc with a barbell shaped float. They worked on the back stroke as well as swimming from the deep end of the pool to the shallow end. The younger swimmers also swam from one side of the pool to the instructor near the rope. They swam to capture plastic duckies tossed ahead of them. They also practiced twirling their arms in circles under the water.

We’ve been talking about Thanksgiving, the pilgrims, the Native Americans and the Mayflower. Most of the conversations settle around the things we are thankful for. Yesterday we created a message board asking “How are the Pilgrims and the Indians Different/The Same?”


For the last two days, we have studied math by playing Letter Long Path Games. Using the letters ‘S’ and ‘K’ (so far!), we roll the dice and advance along the path of the letter according to the amount shown. The ‘S’ game has spiders that, when landed upon, makes the player return to Start. The ‘K’ game has a river and a mountain to get across to reach Finish.

Simon brought in a rockin’ CD and we all gathered in the truck room and moved our muscles to James Brown, the Beach Boys and many others! Thank you, Simon!

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Here’s what the Wee Toddlers were up to while the swimmers were away!

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For lunch we served melted turkey and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, peas and apples.

Have a great day!