WWF, Strainers, Pipe Cleaners, and Straws 11-8-11

It was a great morning at WWF!  The children had a great time in the kitchen using Pla-Doh,  straws, pipe cleaners and strainers.  Many of them put the pipe cleaners into the straws, then into their Pla-Doh.  Long and short, big, little and many math concepts were learned.  We also did our famous “Down around the corner at the donut shop.”  It was so great to see Eleanor and Ozzie partake in this.  We also burned off some energy with our wiggle and dancing in the middle song and dance.  Ozzie as definetly flattering us with all of his dance moves!  Some of the children also played our matching memory game.  Elizabeth and Marta enjoyed their matching animal cards, while Ozzie loved his transportation card, Sloane, her fruits and vegetables, Olivia loved her zoo card, and Chloe enjoyed joining in the fun.  We also danced to our “We all sing with the same voice” CD and book.  Eleanor really enjoyed this, as did the others, we listened to it three times.
Our breakfast this morning was cinnamon toast and fresh fruit, and for our outside mid-morning snack we had sliced cheese.  Our lunch today was scrambled eggs with ham and cheese,  avacado and bananas, and pancakes. 
Our potty trainers are making strides!  Two of our three are now telling us when they need to use the potty.  Marta is enjoying her book selection at the same time, so we added more to our bathroom library! 
Enjoy the afternoon, the warm and temperature, and prepare for the morning snow this Thursday.  (Yikes)
Make it a great day!

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