WF Daily Explorations, Wednesday 11-9-11

Happy Blustery Wednesday!

032This morning was filled with more “gaming”. The children all seem very enthusiastic about this new topic, which may become our next study. Children filled the artroom working with Miss Laurie and Miss Tami on creating their own letter board games with large paper, markers, dot paints, and stickers. They had discussions about the counting of the dice, the paths the counters took, & the rules of their own game. Children recognized that the board games were the first letter of their name and their friends name. Some even realized that Kai was working on a letter A board, which was not the first letter of his name since he was spelling out his name in 3 board games. F.1.16 Identify first letter of own name.F.4.5 Draw at the top or bottom of the page, when requested.F.4.8 Write using pictures, letters, and words.F.6.1 Write from left to right.
F.6.2 Combine strokes and shapes to represent letters.F.1.18 Apply one-to-one correspondence with objects and people.F.2.1 Identify “first” and “last.”F.3.7 Give reason of placement of objects.F.5.16 Tell what comes before and after.


While our friends kept the artroom busy all morning, other friends played in housekeeping, played in the workshop, sang, played with floam, read books in small groups with Miss Melinda, and enjoyed a short visit from Jacob who likes to visit his old Wee Frienders.






For lunch we had home-made roast pork and brown rice soup, whole wheat bread slices, and bananas.

Have a great day!




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