WWF, Cooking, Matching, and pipe cleaners coming out of everywhere!


Our morning began with some dancing accompanied by maracas to “BINGO,” our fire truck song, and “She’ll be coming around the mountain.” From there, we ventured off to another journey to our do nut shop game. Chloe joins us in our circle and begins the motions to the song prior to us even starting! She has it “down pat,” as do all of our friends. Jada did a wonderful job this morning joining us in our two dance songs, jump and wiggle, and who is in the middle.


Some of the children worked in the kitchen playing again today with our strainers and pipe cleaners. What fun for a dreary morning. Straws were added to our “mix,” and seemed to be a big hit with the children.


The children also enjoyed our matching game yet again, today. Ozzie and Marta are really into our transportation cards. Chloe amazed us with recognizing some animals on hers, and placing the matching card on them. Jada was intrigued with this, as was Oliva, Marta, and Sloane.

“Too many chefs spoil the pot” is not true here! Sloane, Olivia, Marta and Ozzie were busy in the kitchen as well.


We did take advantage of yet another day of nice non typical November weather. Olivia and our WF, Nate from next door, played the Limbo with connecting a broomstick to the gate. They had a lot of fun. Chloe is trying diligently to ride one of our little bikes. Sloane and Olivia were busy in our little play house, and Ozzie was riding his Blue Dog down the hill. Go Marta, go! She is peddling our training wheel bike all over the round about, and now says, “Excuse me” if someone is in the way!

Our breakfast this morning was cereal. Our mid-morning snack was served outside. All of the children should do well with eye exams, as they are really into eating their carrots! For lunch today we dined on grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, carrots (of course!) and fresh pear slices. Our afternoon snack will be graham crackers and raisins.

Marta and Sloane have done a great job today telling us when they need to use the potty. We are progressing wonderfully in this area. For those of you that might have some of our WWF change of clothes due to some accidents, we kindly ask that once you have laundered them, you do return them to us. They sure do come in handy in situations such as these.

Clara and PK are becoming quite the “baby buddies,” and it has been enjoyable to seem them play and communicate together.

Enjoy the falling temperatures~