WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 11/15

On swimming days, when the kids enter the pool area, they divide into two groups: Kai, Annie and Simon and Macy, Jane, Addi, Ada, Alma, Arleigh and Umi. Kai’s group always starts by jumping off the board at the deep end. Today they swam 1/2 way down the lane and back again. They also got to use flippers! Macy’s group worked a lot with noodles today. They practiced the back stroke by leaning against the instructor’s shoulder and lifting their tummies high, above the water line.

Back at WF, Melinda rehearsed for the concert. She played the songs on the accordian and piano as friends sang along. She also gave each friend a chance to play the accordian!

We hope you’ll take a chance to look over our sign in sheet (in the green binder on the puppet theatre) and your child’s journal binder (located in black named binders under the art loft). These early literacy experiences are not only great pre-reading/writing practice but also a sense of terrific pride in each of our Wee Friends. We sign in at the start of the day and journal right after snack. At both times of day, WF approach the opportunity to write and draw with great enthusiasm.

Other than a few coughs and runny noses, we think we have made it past this first round of colds and illnesses. Everyone is generally healthy with no illness absences in the past week.

For breakfast today we served cheerios and raisins. Lunch was whole wheat tortillas with peanut butter, clementines and carrots. For snack we will serve rice cakes and apples.



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Have a terrific day!!