WF Daily Explorations Wednesday 11/16

Each day WF teachers try to step back and take a few quiet moments to simply observe the children as they play and learn. It gives us a chance to assess what our friend’s are learning, absorbing and interested in. Here are some insights that we gathered today:

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When Alexandra walked in this morning and heard the gentle music playing she asked Melinda “Can we have music meditation?” When Laurie arrived, she collected her green mat and positioned herself to meditate!

Simon likes to begin his day in the reading area with a book. You can always find him there gently easing into morning with a book.

We are just getting to know Elliott and his curiosity about his new environment and friends keeps him on the move. For the first time since he started, he chose to pedal his trike around our circle. He then moved to the big kids red bike and exclaimed “I’m a big boy!” At one point we heard him yell “Simon!” At today’s concert rehearsal, he sang, by heart, the first lyric to “Wee Friends, Wee Friends, Mighty Mighty Wee Friends..”!!

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This morning as Nate ate breakfast, he looked at Elliott and expressed “haircut!”. His keen observation was apparent again as he sifted through our baby animals cards. He chose three cards (out of 30 or so): an orangutan, gorilla and monkey, laid them out next to one another, recognizing they are all a part of one family.

Stephen, daily, incorporates Batman into his play. He creates multiple structures that Batman might use. In imaginative dramatic play, Batman always makes an appearance.

At some point each day, Arleigh asks for music. Yesterday, at naptime, when an upbeat song played, we found her on her cot jamming out. Recently, she has asked for Malificent (from our Fairy Tale study) and our Ship at Storm track.

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Alma is particularly interested in sharks. Like Stephen, she incorporates shark play into many improvisational moments. She has also enjoyed playing Malificent with Arleigh. Her first question each day is “Where is my best friend?”

Macy has been interested in acting out Grocery Store in housekeeping. For the last several days, as cashier, she has set up the cash register, gathered wooden coins and has sold stuffed animals to all her friends. She is a devoted lunch buddy to Elliott and today we saw her kiss him on the cheek as they waited together to wash their hands.

We have seen Jane act out the part of a teacher several times over the last few days. She has taught Annie her letters and led a group of kids in a sandbox activity. The calls all of her friends “Sweetie”.

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Umi loves her brother Marat. Everyday she tells us that her brother is one of her best friends, Alma, of course, being the other.

Addi’s favorite moments are snuggling with teachers. As we are working and playing, we will find Addi very close, offering to help and just enjoying being close to us.

Knowing that Stephen loves hammers, Kai spent some time at the workbench making one for him. Each day we see Kai approaching friends as a positive role model and compassionate person.

Owen loves ships. All sorts, anywhere, anyhow! Because he was with us all morning, we had the opportunity to explore his interest in an educational, fun way! We discussed several different types of boats (canoes, sailboats, tugboats, warships to name a few). In hopscotch, Owen led us in a gross motor exploration of turning our bodies into the different ship’s shapes.


Each of our friends bring their own unique interests and learning styles to our environment. It makes for interesting, inspiring and very busy days!

For breakfast this morning we served oatmeal and bananas. Lunch was Tami’s delicious three bean soup, bananas and homemade biscuits. For snack we served cottage cheese and pineapple.

See you tomorrow at 4:30 for the WF Fall Concert. It runs about 5 minutes long. Have a great day.

2 thoughts on “WF Daily Explorations Wednesday 11/16

  1. From the minute I walked in a couple of weeks ago with my daughter, Amy, and grandson, Elliott Jackson, I knew this was a special place indeed.
    I love getting the daily updates and seeing all the action.
    Break a leg today!!
    Vida Langenkamp

    • Thank you Vida for the wonderful affirmation! We really enjoying Elliott and are so happy that he is part of the Wee Friends Family!

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