WWF, A barrel of fun! 11-17-11

The children were ready for more monkey fun this morning! We started our morning with our monkey books, donut shop game, and danced to some monkey songs. It was a lot of fun. From there, we went into the kitchen and each peeled a banana. We are saving the skins to paint with later today. After we peeled them, the children all ate theirs, which also doubled as our mid-morning snack. We then found a construction paper banana with each child’s name on it, and they placed it on our chart paper with glue under yes or no, to the question, “Do you like bananas?” This was a great activity for the children. It was then time to play with our “Barrel of Monkeys” game. The children enjoyed counting them, hooking them, and even watched them swing from yarn. The monkeys swung so fast, they were like a banana, and split! Elizabeth loves our monkey books and will sit by herself and read the books, and just laugh! Ozzie was really into hooking our monkeys together with Eleanor and counting them. Olivia sat and worked on hers diligently. Sloane loves her books as well, and in between hooking monkeys, she of course tended to her baby dolls! Jada was not shy, she jumped right in on our banana peeling and taste testing. Marta was right there, into it all!

Our outside time this morning was not very extensive due to the colder temperatures. Even a few minutes of fresh air does the children well!

We came in for some music and used our rainbow colored scarves to sway to the music and to dance with. Some of the children brought over their baby dolls and danced with them.

Yesterday afternoon we visited WF to listen to their Thanksgiving concert. Bravo! It was excellent, and kudos to Miss Laurie and Melinda for working with the children. It was fabulous, and of course, we were honored to be invited to this dress rehearsal. They will perform it for their parent’s today. In lieu of our appreciation, we made them a boquet of flowers using coffee filters, paint, and pipe cleaners. We also decorated a card of thanks to them.

For breakfast today we had toast and fresh fruit, and for lunch today we had tuna casserole, baked potato strips and apples.

We apologize for no pictures today, technical difficulties with the camera.

Enjoy the day~