WWF, Banana Tree! 11-18-111

Happy Friday to all. Yesterday afternoon we made a monkey tree by placing a tree branch in some Pla-Doh to keep it secure. The children then put our monkeys on it, swinging and swaying from the branches. This morning we tied some small bananas made out of construction paper on the tree. We counted the bananas, and the children were very good with their fine motor skills to hang them from the branches. After that, it was time to have an encore on our banana pudding play. Max and Marta added some of our monkeys to their tray of pudding, although it did not seem as they shared as much with the monkeys as they did themselves! We read some new monkey books and danced to a new CD with monkey songs.


Elizabeth loves the monkey books, and just to observe read the books to herself and laugh out loud, has made us engage in a lot of dialogue with her. They have all perfected their monkey sounds, and we have continued to do imaginative play with our felt board. Ozzie is very interested in our Curious George books, while Olivia and Jada have continued to pursue their culinary skills in our play kitchen, with of course, monkeys as their dinner guests.

Our breakfast today was cereal and fresh fruit. Our mid morning snack was served outside, as the children snacked on rice cakes. For lunch today we had English Muffin pizza, peas and bananas.

Just a reminder to please label all clothing items your bring into WWF. This helps us tremendously especially as we get the children ready to go outside.

Here is wishing PK and Ellie a speedy recovery, and wishing Sloane safe travels and fun at her grandpa and grandmas house. Hope to see everyone on Monday. Enjoy the weekend.