WF Daily Exploration Tuesday 11/29


This morning, before our swimmers left, we further explored the marionette puppet. We studied pictures of a Marionette Puppeteer on a street in Chicago. Afterwards, we imagined our own bodies as marionette puppets. Using two pipes, a Puppet Master manipulated the arms of the puppet sitting in the chair. Some friends had very flexible arms while others had very stiff arms. Friends took turns making Sasha the Clown dance to “We Are Family”.

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And off we went to the Y! Before our smaller friends got into the water today, their instructor had them dip their toes in, then their legs and then practice kicking. Today, they practiced the backstroke. Leaning their heads against the teacher’s neck, the teacher gently held their chin high as they paddled their legs across the pool. With barbells in hand, the big kids began their lesson by jumping off the diving block.

Back at school, Melinda led a science experiment with our Wee Friends. First, friends filled a mason jar 1/2 way up with water. They filled the remaining space with shaving cream. Then, using a dropper filled with water color, they squirted the top of the shaving cream and waited to see how long it took for the water color to reach the paint.


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Next, they poured the contents of their jar into a bowl and stirred to see what color it produced.

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The experiment ended with a tub full of warm water and shaving cream!

The rain kept us indoors this morning, but we continued our Pinocchio Study by comparing a marionette, a hand and a sock puppet. Our mouthless sock puppet came to life when Macy sprinkled dust on her. Macy named her Lily Pharaoh. LP pretended she was Jiminy Cricket and explained to WF the meaning of the word: conscience. We further explored the meaning of the word with a game. As Jiminy Cricket, Lily Pharaoh whispered a negative/positive prompt into a WF’s ear. When friends heard this voice in their head, they had to choose the negative or positive command. Their were lots of hugs and well wishes!

For breakfast, we served Kix and bananas. Lunch was melted ham and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, fruit salad and corn. For snack, we will serve yogurt and graham crackers.

Have a great day!