WF Daily Explorations Friday 12/2

This morning was filled with lots of independent play: Wee Ornaments, Wee Music, Wee Building, Wee Dollies, Wee Drawing, Wee Workbench, Wee Pinocchio and Wee Baking!

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All week, friends have been interested in bead work. This morning a small group sat at the art table and created icicle ornaments for our tree.


Our four year old girls continue to enjoy nails, hammers and wood blocks at the workbench.


On her accordian, Melinda led the whole class in a Holiday Jamboree! Starting with “Jingle Bells”, friends explored the many different instruments in our Music Center.

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A small group of friends gathered in the reading area to hear Disney’s Pinocchio read aloud. Afterwards, we created a Pinocchio storyboard: a sequence of drawings that focus on the main actions in the story. We invited friends to choose their favorite part of the story and to draw it. We also discussed and colored the letters that make up the name Pinocchio.


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While the sequencing component to storyboarding was not the focus of the lesson, it happened naturally.

Alexandra began the storyboard by drawing the body parts of the wooden puppet Pinocchio. Next, Jane and Annie drew the Blue Fairy. They had an in depth discussion about why she is called the Blue Fairy and reflected their thoughts in their drawings. Nate and Ada studied the book intently as they drew pictures of the whale. Stephen worked on the letter ‘O’ with great enthusiasm, identifying the letter ‘O’ on his own. Macy and Kai chose to work on each letter, coloring it in.

For breakfast we served Cheerios and Craisins. For snack, we will serve apple cinnamon muffins and clementines. For lunch we served slices of ham, whole wheat bread AND a delicious, nutritious Baked Sweet Potato, Apple and Raisin…hmmmm….I guess it needs a name!

3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed

10-12 small apples, peeled and cored

a bunch of raisins!

Combine 3 and place in large baking dish. Mix together, adding butter and cinnamon sugar to taste.

Bake at 350, covered, for up to two hours.

Your kids ate it up!!!

Have a terrific weekend!