WF Daily Explorations Monday 12/5/11

Happy Monday!

Due to several absences today, Miss Jennifer taught one big gymnastics class this morning. They worked on the climbing ladder and the incline mat. They used the rope ladder to climb to the top of the bus and they touched the ceiling. They learned glide and tuck swings. On the incline mat, they practiced forward and backward rolls. Best of all, they each got a snowman stamp on their arms!

When our gymnasts returned to the classroom, we gathered in the reading area to read The Cat Who Climbed the Christmas Tree by Susanna Santoro Whayne. The story tells of a cat who climbs a Christmas tree in which all the ornaments are alive! He makes it to the top of the tree, where he meets a Guardian Angel who helps him make his way down again. We talked about Christmas trees and ornaments and friends shared stories of their own trees.


After our read-a-loud, we moved to the art table and created our own salt dough ornaments.

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*This afternoon, Tami has been called to jury duty. If she is selected to serve on a jury, swimming tomorrow (Tues) will be cancelled. We will know late this afternoon what the plan will be for the morning swimmers.

*A stomach/flu bug is making its way around WWF/WF. The main symptom is vomiting.

*A reminder that WF is closed for the holidays from Dec. 19-Dec. 30. We will resume on Monday, January 2, 2012.

For breakfast this morning, we served corn flakes and apples. Lunch was whole wheat pasta and chicken, corn and applesauce. For snack, we will serve goldfish and bananas.

Have a terrific start to your week!