WWF, “Sunshine on your shoulders” 12-6-11


We started our morning with group music time. Paulina brought out her guitar and all the children gathered around. We started with our HELLO song. Our youngest WWF, Clara, was really listening and responding to the music today by waving her arms and nearly jumping out of Miss Amy’s lap. All the kids love to hear their name called out during the HELLO song. We sang ‘Apples and Bananas’ and Paulina incorporated new foods to the song as the children called them out. Noodles and eggs were added today. We asked Paulina to add guitar music to our donut shop and name recognition game. We moved next to monkey songs and books.

Several of the children took part in our art exploration. We made collages with textured shapes (cotton balls, foam shapes), glitter, and glue.

Small group and individual play today included trains, cars, wooden bead stacking (Chloe joined in with Ozzie, Jada, and Max today), lots and lots of books, and our music books on CD. Of particular interest was our old favorite, John Denver’s Sunshine on my Shoulder. Marta, in particular, responds to this song. She climbed into Lisa’s lap and was held captive by the music and the book.

Outside time today was full of playing follow-the-leader around our small and big circles, pushing cars and bikes.

Snack today was cheese and pears, lunch was ham sandwiches, cottage cheese, corn, raisins.

Tomorrow we will say farewell to Alma, who was a WWF “original.” She has been next door at WF for the last few months. Please join us in wishing her and her mom and dad all the best as they begin a new venture in life in Sacramento, CA. Their bright smiles, zest for life, and laughter they have shared with all of us was truly a gift. Alma will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Enjoy the rest of the day! We hope Miss Marty will be feeling well enough to be back with us tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “WWF, “Sunshine on your shoulders” 12-6-11

  1. since you have changed your format, i no longer can find the photos! please tell me how to do it! evelyn firchow, mimi (marta) ciccone’s grandmother -omi

  2. Good luck to Alma and family! Enjoy California … perhaps the best state in the nation!

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