WF Daily Explorations 12/16


Tami wrapped up two big boxes and Wee Friends spent a long while this morning, snuggling into, jumping out of, stacking and toppling over the boxes.

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It was a happy morning with lots of smiles and collaborative play!

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Kai and Macy helped Melinda put artwork into each WF’s cubby. They identified the names on the artwork and matched them to the names on the cubby. These are ready to take home today!

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Using glittery winter stickers, friends exercised fine motor muscles and concentration as they decorated a paper christmas tree.


Our three youngest boys chose to leave the art table to help fold towels!!


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Each friend successfully sequenced between one and four steps: 1) taking the towel out of the basket 2)folding it multiple times 3) stacking it 4) delivering the stack of towels to its basket. After each of his trips, Nate exclaimed:

“We did it!!”

When we have all said goodbye this evening, Tami will return tonight to begin renovating the Wee Friends classroom. She, Charles and a contractor will be working fast and furiously over these next two weeks to break down walls and reconfigure our space providing more visibility throughout the classroom. She has said that when we return in the new year, it will be quite transformed!

On behalf of Tami and the Wee Friends staff, we wish you all a happy holiday and restful vacation. As always, we are grateful for all the ways you support Wee Friends and we thank you for sharing your beautiful children with us!

See you in 2012!!