WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 1-3-11


Welcome Back! Yesterday, we only had 6 kids and today we still have fewer than normal. But, everyone is quickly learning where everything is located and enjoying the huge change to our classroom.

This morning Simon brought in special car that changed color when it was submerged into different temperatures of water. The children were fascinated by the experiment! It led to the extended project of children painting cars at the art easel and drawing roads on paper for the car.











The children really spent most of their morning exploring the newly set up areas. They also enjoyed the new place to get drinks at the kitchen island.


Finally, we bundled everyone up and headed outside. The sun was shining and the temperature was 37 degrees which made for awesome snow fun.












For breakfast we had toast and apple slices. For lunch we had whole wheat pasta and marinara, french green beans and bananas.

Please remember to sign the new parking policy and to park on only our side of the street in front of the WWF/WF houses, in front of Tim’s house, on the N parking pad, at the church, or out back of WWF in the playground parking lot. If you would like us to get your child ready for quicker pickups, especially in the congested time between 5:00-5:20, please just text with your arrival time. Remember, if you plan on staying longer, please park off street. Thanks for your cooperation in this!


Enjoy your day!