WWF, Finger paint fun! 1-4-12

Hello! This is Miss Mindy. My first day at WWF was Monday and I’m loving getting to know the children as well as parents!

Today we started the day by reading a snowman book that Miss Amy was kind enough to share with us. The children loved talking about the snow! Afterwards, we played the donut shop game. We’re still working on recognizing boys and girls using our name cards. Ozzie is beginning to show great progress when distinguishing between girls and boys. We put in a few CD’s to dance along to. Chloe and Sloane were shaking their musical instruments to the beat of the music. Ellie danced while moving her body to the music. She had a great time spinning in circles.

Miss Mindy and Miss Lisa did a painting activity in the kitchen after dancing. Olivia, Jada, Sloane, and Ozzie had a great time working with green paint to make a hand print tree. After they finished their tree, they had a chance to mix paints together and finger paint or some chose to use a brush to paint.

Miss Marty had a group on the carpet reading books and playing multiple hands on activities including musical instruments and different kinds of blocks. Ellie chose to read multiple books and Aiden had a great time listening to the stories being read.

For snack this morning we had muffins and bananas. Lunch was couscous, carrots and lima beans, and pears. P.K. loved the couscous! He was a mess when he was done :). Afternoon snack consisted of animal crackers and apples.

Sorry for no pictures today, as they all came out fuzzy. We apologize