WF Daily Explorations Monday 1/9


Happy Monday!

We started the day with Miss Jennifer and the gymnastics bus. Today Wee Friends worked on the trapeze bar and the octagonal barrel. On the bar, they practiced pike and “V” swings-they got to swing upside down like bats! On the octagon, they learned a backward walk over. They practiced rockers and at the end of class, they were steam rolled! Don’t forget the first group (older) starts at 9am and the second group (younger) starts at 9:30!

After a week in the new space, Wee Friends are continuing to discover creative ways to use the new classroom. Pictured above is a scene from Sleeping Beauty. We chose the music area to begin our dramatic play and as the story unfolded, each princess found her resting spot while Kai, (always the prince!) utilized the large pillar to hide behind and then, storm the castle to save his princesses.


After gymnastics, Tami led friends in an art exploration. The end result is the magnificent mural hung on the same huge pillar! Using the new wide open length of the classroom, friends used a variety of painting tools and tempera paints, scrolling the fabric out as they created.

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From story time to nap time to washing hands time, Wee Friends are making their spectacular new classroom their very own!

029 Have a terrific day!!