WF Daily Explorations Monday 1/23


About a year ago, Wee Friends initiated a new life skills program called Building the Basics. Our goal is to spend time talking about and cultivating life skills and this year it has been The Potty. We started with a 6 step potty procedure that the kids morphed into a 2 step procedure. It inspired the WF favorite tune “Flush and Wash”. Because the potty is so much a part of the early childhood daily experience, we continued today with a science lesson: The Bladder Exploration. First, we studied the human figure and located the bladder in a drawing and on a model. We discussed the shape, the location (in front) and how it feels when it is full (and what to do next!). We layed down and guessed where our bladder might be on our own bodies.

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Using balloons and a tub of water, we filled imaginary bladders and let the water run out, singing Flush and Wash as we proceeded. F.2.8 Use words/concepts learned through singing

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Further conversation ensued exploring opposites: liquid/solid and empty/full. We even identified what letter bladder begins with. F.1.8 Engage in a scientific experiment with a peer or with small groups of children using sharing/turn taking skills. F.2.7 Talk about the fact that everything has a shape. F.4.2 Show a growing independence in hygiene, nutrition, and personal care when eating, dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth, and toileting. F.3.1 Name body parts and point to the location of each. F.3.2 Investigate and talk about the characteristics of matter (e.g., liquids and solids, smooth and rough, bend-not bend). F.1.3 Observe and describe properties of objects.


Acting on the liquid/solid conversation, we filled a tub with snow and asked “Is snow liquid or solid?” We talked about what happens to snow when it sits in a warm house. Friends first filled glass vases with the snow and then, using eye droppers and watercolor, filled their snow vases with color. They compared the colors to flavors. We identified the first letters of each color mentioned. Some friends mixed colors, some friends stayed with one color. One friend chose only to fill her vase with snow. F.1.3 Observe and describe properties of objects. F.3.1 Participate in activities using materials with a variety of properties (e.g., color, shape, size, name, type of material). F.4.1 Use vocabulary that indicates understanding of scientific principles (e.g., sink, float, melt, solid, liquid). F.2.9 Use different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning. F.2.10 Use objects as symbols for other things. (e.g., a scarf to represent bird wings or a box to represent a car)

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The gymnastic bus came and friends worked on the cheese mat and resi-rocker. They did forward and backward rolls and straddle rolls as well. At the end of the class, they did the rocket ship. They hopped off the bus and burst through the WF doors showing their stamp of the week: a smiley face.

We spent lots of time reading and singing nursery rhymes. As I write, we are in the planning stages of The WF Spring Concert. Details to follow! F.1.4 Hold book right side up, looking at pages and pictures. F.1.19 Imitate simple rhymes. F.1.6 Dance/sway/tap toes/jump/hop to music alone or with others.

For breakfast Mel served peanut butter on whole wheat muffins and pears. Lunch was whole wheat elbow pasta with marinara, broccoli and banana/avocado salad. For snack, we will serve pretzels and cheese.

045 Hope your day is a happy one.
