WWF, Fun in the Sun! 1-27-2012

Good Afternoon!

Hope everyone is having a great day! We started off our day at WWF with some different activities that children could choose from. A few children chose to build a train track throughout the entire living room. The kids had a great time putting the pieces together and then put the trains on the track that they built. A few children chose to go into the kitchen and work with the sensory table. Our friends are still loving the combination of flour, chocolate, and coffee. They are coming up with more ways to use the sensory table. Today, a few children started throwing the mixture up in the air to see what would happen when it dropped.








We continued with our morning by having some music time. The kids were shown an example of different physical moves such as jump, stomp, run, wiggle, and walk. This example was extremely beneficial for them in the sense that they can now connect the word with the movement. They did this while the guitar was being played.

Before lunch, we enjoyed the sunshine outside! We were so happy that it was a nice day out. We gathered up our friends and traveled outside. Most of our friends went straight to the swing. Miss Paulina sat with our friends and sang to them while they were swinging. Some chose to grab a partner and tetter-totter together or go and ride on a tricycle. The half an hour we spent outside was a great way to end our week!

For lunch, our friends enjoyed ham with cream cheese, green peas, oranges, and bread. Every minute or so our friends were asking for “more oranges please!” 🙂

Hope everyone has a great weekend!