WWF, Ice Cube Exploration, 2-3-2012


Happy Friday!

We started off our day here at WWF by exploring ice cubes that had paint in them. The activity was a Valentines Day theme. Ice cubes were made in the shape of a heart and had pink paint added to them. The kids loved exploring the ice cube, especially when it turned from a solid to a liquid. Of course the question of the ‘taste sense’ came into play! Our friends were tasting the ice cube and using their sense of touch to see what it felt like. Some children chose to transfer the ice cubes from container to container and found that the ice cubes were rather slippery. Our friends were engaged through their senses for quite some time!







After the ice melted, we moved onto music time. We sang songs and stomped, walked, and ran around the room with the help of Miss Marty to show us what each movement looked like. A child suggested that we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom so we pulled out the book along with the CD and sang along with the song. The bears made another appearance here at the WWF house but didn’t stay too long. Again, they looked for berries and were picking them from berry bushes! We even got to go inside the bears white cave! The kids loved walking around inside of it and pretending they were taking a nap! The children love acting out different roles and acting as a bear seems to be right at the top of their list!












We ventured outside after getting all bundled up. A few friends gathered up and went to the swing where they talked and swung back and forth. Others chose to play in the sand castle where they were scooping sand with a shovel and transferring it to a bucket. Everyone had a great time outside! There was a lot of running which of course made the children hungry!

After running outside, we decided to come inside where lunch was ready for us! Our friends enjoyed chicken and cheese tortillas made with pita bread, bananas, and peas. By the end of the meal, the bananas and peas were gone! Our friends was sure hungry today! 🙂

Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!