WF Daily Explorations Monday 2/6

FAB (Framework for Academic Balance) Week of February 6

Literacy: K.1.13 Count the number of syllables in words, K.7.1 Understand and follow one and two-step directions – Math: K.1.1 Match sets of objects one to one, K.1.9 Record and organize information using objects and pictures.

Stemming from the feedback we received at last week’s curriculum meeting, we are going to start including weekly FAB objectives. These objectives, taken directly from the Indiana Academic Standards for kindergarteners, will serve as the underlying framework that we use to stay academically balanced without compromising the emergent curriculum already in place at Wee Friends. Be assured that the activities that emerge are always met with a developmentally appropriate approach to include all of our Wee Friends!


Melinda started the day by inviting friends to join her in the reading area for a read aloud of two books: Curious George and the Boat Show (thank you Elliott!) and Goat’s Book of Making and Doing Things.

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Afterwards, everyone gathered at the art table to create their very own soap bar sailboats! Melinda guided friends through four steps:

  • Measure and cut a straw 6″ in length
  • Cut a triangular sail out of construction paper
  • Tape the straw to the sail
  • Place the straw sail into the bar of soap by whatever means possible!

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Among the many singular directives given was Melinda’s request “Please, don’t shout out when you are ready for a bar of soap, but raise your hand so I know.” A few friends managed their impulses by covering their mouths as they raised their hands.

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There were many discussions had as friends created their sailboats. The first question was “Will our sailboat float?”. We compared/contrasted a bar of soap and an empty glass and determined that, yes, the soap will float. Wee Friends explored how the soap smelled and what it felt like after it got wet. After their boats were finished, they tested, again, if it would sail. There was lots of scissor work and lots of collaboration as older friends assisted younger friends. Elliott and Jane were buddies during this activity and stayed on after the boats were completed to further explore the fabulous smelling ooey gooey soap!

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Tami spent time with a few friends reading Bob Books.

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We began our Spring Concert rehearsal with a warm up:

“Macy is here today, Macy is here today. Let’s all clap together, Macy is here today. Ma-cy…one, two”, exploring how many syllables (claps) are in each friend’s name.

We sang through eight nursery rhymes!

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Parent/Child Dialogue Starters: (Open ended questions to inspire daily conversation with your child. *Our aim is to avoid asking questions that elicit a “yes” or “no” response)

  • When you held the soap in your hand, was it slippery?
  • When you saw that your boat was floating, how did it make you feel?
  • When Melinda read Curious George and the Boat Show, how did you feel when George broke his friend’s boat?
  • What would you do if someone broke your boat?

Today, Wee Sprouts were broccoli and carrots. For breakfast Mel served whole wheat bread with peanut butter and bananas. Lunch was homemade mac/cheese with whole wheat penne pasta, bananas and mixed veggies. Snack will be whole wheat crackers and apples.

Have a terrific day!









2 thoughts on “WF Daily Explorations Monday 2/6

  1. Perfect! The FAB is very clear and I love the suggestions for conversation starters. Thanks!

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