WF Daily Explorations Monday 2/13

FAB (Framework for Academic Balance) Week of 2/13

Literacy: K.1.10 Say rhyming words in response to an oral prompt / Math: K.1.2 Compare sets of up to ten objects and identify whether one set is equal to, more than, or less than another. K.1.3 Know that larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than sets described by smaller numbers.

The gymnastics bus returned this morning and friends worked on the rings and the cartwheel mat. On the rings, they performed tuck and “L” hangs. They practiced a skin the cat flip and swings. The also practiced lunges and handstands against the wall. They used the cartwheel mat to practice mini/full cartwheels.


While our older friends were on the blue bus, our younger Wee Friends started working on their valentine’s mailboxes. Using tempera paint and cereal boxes, friends custom made a mailbox to receive tomorrow’s Valentine wishes! Older friends joined in after their tumbling time.

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Math experiences were happening in every corner of the classroom! Lisa gathered a small group of friends on the oval rug to identify numbered hearts and then add the corresponding number of gingerbread men. (FAB K.1.2, K.1.3)

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She also worked with Kai at the message board, exploring rhyming words. (FAB K.1.10)


In another part of the room, a small group of friends worked with numbered bags, 1-5. Friends hunted around our environment and filled the bag with as many objects as the bag stated. We came together afterwards and counted the objects out loud, determining which bag had the most and the fewest. (FAB K.1.2, K.1.3)


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While a small group of friends played Crazy Eights, another gathered at the art table to make Valentines. While some created art, others practiced holding and cutting with scissors. Other Wee Friends chose to weave pipe cleaners into colanders.



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Today our Wee Sprouts are carrots, cherry tomatoes and yellow peppers. For breakfast, Melinda served whole wheat bagels with peanut butter and bananas. Lunch was whole wheat pasta with marinara, corn and fruit salad. For snack today, we will serve goldfish and raisins.

*Tomorrow we are planning a Valentine’s card exchange. If your Wee Friend is planning on participating in the exchange, we have 15 total friends: Ada, Nate, Finn, Marta, Annie, Jane, Arleigh, Elliott, Macy, Simon, Vivian, Umi, Alexandra, Stephen and Kai.

Enjoy your day.