Happy Valentines Day to all!
We started off our day here at WWF by making our special afternoon snack: Valentines Day muffins (gluten-free) in the shape of a heart! Our friends went into the kitchen to help Miss Marty mix the ingredients together. They were a big help in the preparation of the muffins! They loved mixing the dry ingredients together and are anxious to see how they taste.
While the muffins were baking, our friends chose to work with the felt board, music play, and reading stories. Special Valentines Day hearts were made for the felt board and children would take the hearts and put them by our special poem for the day. During music time, children worked with streamers, drums and their special body movements such as run, walk, and jump.
Before snack was ready some children chose to work on their special hearts that were made for each child. They used marker to color in the heart! Some children chose to draw circles and designs in their heart while others colored it in using different colors.
For our morning snack, our friends enjoyed fresh cut cucumbers and orange sweet peppers. Our lunch consisted of melted turkey and cheddar on whole wheat tortillas, fruit salad (strawberries, oranges, and bananas) and lima beans/carrots. For our afternoon snack, we’ll have our special heart shaped muffins that our friends helped make and another special treat brought in by Jada. Dates with walnuts, dark chocolate cocoa powder and vanilla. They should be delicious!
Hope everyone has a fantastic night!