WF Daily Explorations Friday 2/17

Lisa generously shared her fading Valentine roses with us this morning. Here is an explanation of our Wee Friends multi-sensorial Rose Exploration!

O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem
By that sweet ornament which truth doth give.
The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem
For that sweet odour which doth in it live.
The canker-blooms have full as deep a dye
As the perfumed tincture of the roses,
Hang on such thorns and play as wantonly
When summer’s breath their masked buds discloses:
But, for their virtue only is their show,
They live unwoo’d and unrespected fade,
Die to themselves. Sweet roses do not so;
Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made:
And so of you, beauteous and lovely youth,
When that shall fade, my verse distills your truth. -Shakespeare

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Lisa continued working with Kai, Viv, and Annie on the high/low dice game introduced yesterday. Other friends gathered in our music center to play a stopping/starting game with the tambourine. We walked together as the tambourine shook and when we banged it like a drum, friends stopped and scurried into a hiding place. Using wooden building blocks as instruments, a small group of musicians sat together and beat out different rhythms. We practiced playing together and taking turns. After our rhythm work, we took turns laying the blocks down to create a structure. This cooperative group building activity encouraged friends to, again, take turns, and work side by side in a collaborative way. After the sculpture was completed friends expressed what they saw: “A smoke-stack!”, “a castle!”, “steps” were among the many observations.


We played outside this morning for nearly two hours! Our Wee Sprouts today are green pea pods. Breakfast was Corn Chex and raisins. For lunch we had whole wheat chicken salad sandwiches, corn and applesauce. For snack, Lisa made homemade muffins!

Have a terrific weekend.