WF Daily Explorations Monday 2/20

FAB (Framework for Academic Balance) Week of Monday, February 20th.

Literacy: K.1.20-Identify and sort common words in basic categories; K.7.3-Describe people, places, things (including their size, color and shape), locations and actions. Math: K.1.4-Describe sets of ten or fewer objects into equal groups; K.1.5-Divide shapes into equal parts.


As always, our friends were ecstatic to see Miss Jennifer and her Blue Bus! Today, they worked on the climbing ladder and incline mat. They used the rope to climb to the top of the bus and then they touched the ceiling. They learned glide and tuck swings and, on the incline mat, they did forward and backward rolls.


While the big kids were on the bus, a small group of four boys worked collaboratively in the block area, creating a tall structure. They listened to one another when discussing what they were doing and where they would place their block. They negotiated how to adjust the structure when it was getting too tall for their safety.

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At the same time, Lisa worked with a small group at the art table tracing letters and gluing them to paper.


After the whole class came together again, friends split up into different areas to work. Kai and Annie described feelings about school and friends. (FAB K.7.3)


Lisa worked with friends at the message board and recorded other descriptions about what happened to them over the weekend. After finishing their message board moment, friends had the option to sit at the art table and record their descriptions in a story board format. Using three ‘windows’, friends chose their top three weekend activities and drew pictures of them, discussing them all the while. (FAB K.7.3)


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Afterwards, as a large group, Lisa read aloud what friends had shared with her. We shared the story boards as well, but this time, friends (who were not the artist) described in detail what they were seeing. We heard about colors and shapes and a variety of perceptions. The artist then shared his/her intention with the group. (FAB K.7.3)

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The High/Low card game is continuing to capture the attention of many friends. This work gives our older friends the opportunity to practice comparing numbers and their value (less than/more than). (FAB K. 1.2)

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Back in the block area, another group of friends worked with the building blocks to explore math. We discussed the concept of “equal parts” and “the whole” and created and identified shapes accordingly. Questions were asked, such as “Are all the parts of your circle/square equal parts?” and “Which blocks, when fit together, make a square/diamond/rectangle?” Ultimately, all of Macy’s many parts equaled one whole house, with lots of detail! (FAB K.1.5)

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Our Wee Sprouts today are organic carrots. For breakfast Melinda served whole wheat muffins with peanut butter bananas. Lunch was whole wheat pasta with pork, mandarin/banana fruit salad and French cut green beans. For snack, we will serve animal crackers and fruit.

Have a great day.