WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 2/21

This morning, in every corner of the classroom our FAB’s K.1.4 -Divide sets of ten or fewer objects into equal groups and K.1.5 – Divide shapes into equal parts were being explored in full force!


A small group of friends each chose one pattern block and took turns laying it down wherever they chose. We studied blocks that created whole shapes and used ‘artist eyes’ to see what shaped they created. On the next round, they chose another pattern block and set them down so that all the blocks were touching. Again, we looked for parts that made a whole shape and studied what shape we had created. Friends saw a head, a castle, a rocket ship and other shapes.

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On the oval rug, Melinda worked with an ever shifting group of friends and pattern cubes. First, they divided sets of ten cubes into equal groups. Next, they created color and number patterns.

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Later, Kai led a small group of buddies in a math exercise that involved guessing how many bugs were on the pattern template.


Lisa played a dice game in the reading area: friends rolled the dice and pulled out the corresponding number of pattern blocks. At the end of the game, they examined who had the largest/smallest pile.


Using a variety of square and triangular shapes cut out of construction paper, a small group of friends worked at the art table to created a collage, “Parts of the Whole”. We talked about “two halves make a whole” and studied how to glue the shape parts together to make a “whole” new shape. At the end, Jane created an elaborate castle and drew in characters who lived there.


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Using several of our “how to” drawing books, a group of friends spent time creating marker drawings step by step.


At the light table, friends made cookies, counted candy and studied the translucent glass stones, dropping them one by one into a plastic tray.


Our Wee Sprouts today are cucumber slices and broccoli. For breakfast, we served Corn Chex and pear slices. Lunch is peanut butter sandwiches, carrot/lima beans and bananas. For snack, we will serve pretzels and cheese.

Parent/Child Communication starters:

  • What word rhymes with car?
  • What shape is the tire on our car?
  • How many tires do we have on our car?
  • What is your favorite color? Where do you see your favorite color in our house?


Have a restful day.