WF Daily Explorations Friday 2/24

Happy Birthday, Nate!


After breakfast this morning, friends gathered ’round the art table to create a birthday card for Nate, who turns three tomorrow!

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In the spirit of community building (and spreading simple Joy!!), a small group of friends learned, rehearsed and performed a Wee Friend’s original song “Jackhammer Joy” for the nice gentlemen who have been working on our street all week.


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“What’s more fun than a rock? What’s more fun than a block? What’s more fun than 1-2-3?

Jackhammer Joy!

Jackhammer Joy! Jackhammer Joy, Jack-Jack Hammer Joy!” (repeat)

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Back inside, Lisa guided an exploration with feathers and straws. Friends took turns sticking feathers into straws and then blowing them out. There were many observations: Umi: “The feathers feel soft. Pink is my favorite.” Ada: “I like blowing them!” Kai: “They feel soft and wiggly!” They observed how far or how near they flew. Alexandra shared “They are cuddly!”

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At the workbench, Finn, Stephen and Nate set out rocks and were painting them with brushes. We invited them to bring their materials to two sensory bin, one filled with warm water and the other,warm sudsy water. They painted, dropped rocks back and forth between bins, and squeezed the paint brush bristles.


Elliott, Umi and Ada joined their friends in the exploration.

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Melinda played several rounds of Crazy Eights and Simon and Ada took turns being the dealer in a few rounds of Zingo. Nate and Finn built a monster cave to protect themselves from a monster.

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Annie and Jane organized and elaborate classroom, acting out the role of teacher. Later, Macy joined in as the baby sister. There was a lot of talking on the cell phones.

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We created music, first by practicing rhythm stick/drumming dynamics. We beat slowly/quickly-softly/medium/loudly and then moved our sticks to Hap Palmer’s “Tap Your Sticks”. Then, we scrubbed our body parts with sponge balls while dancing to David Chicken’s “Bubbles in the Bathtub”. We ended our creative music time by snuggling near something we love and listening to Donny Osmond’s “Puppy Love”.


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Our Wee Sprouts today are carrots and grape tomatoes. Breakfast was Kashi cereal and pear slices. For lunch, Lisa made a delicious scrambled egg casserole, corn and bananas. For snack, we will serve oranges, crackers and chocolate coins in honor of Nate’s Big #3!!!!


Have a peaceful weekend.