WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 2/28

The day started on a happy note! 010

Note from Tami about swimming…

“Today we started our spring swimming lesson session at the YMCA. Because our size is so large, it took some manipulating to make us fit with the YMCA for this session and this meant it happened literally at the last moment, that our kids were able to be in the Tuesday class that we started today. I apologize for the last minute notice! To be clear, I only contacted families that I invited to attend this session.

We cannot take every child to swim lessons, so we rotate the children. Please understand that every effort is made to keep it balanced and that I understand that most families really do want this opportunity. I will be contacting families in the next few weeks about signing up for the Spring 2 class that starts mid-April. Back to Laurie:)…”

While our swimmers were away, our friends explored a variety of sensory/fine motor experiences. First, we set out trays with wooden clothespins, pipe cleaners and coffee filters. Friends practiced opening and closing the pins, clipping them to coffee filters and sticking pipe cleaners in one of the few holes on the clothespin.

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Next, we placed Lisa’s flower bouquet (thanks, Lisa!) on the table with scissors, construction paper, glue and glass vases. Friends cut all parts of the flower, glued flower parts to the paper, and stuffed flower petals and leaves into the vase.

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Marta arrived from Florida with a bag full of shells. A few friends joined her as she sorted the shell pieces and cooked a hot cake.


FAB – Week of 2/27Literacy: K.1.14-Match all consonant sounds (mad, red, pin, top, sun) to appropriate letters. K.1.7-Listen to two or three phonemes (sounds) when they are read aloud, and tell the number of sounds heard, whether they are the same or different. Math: K.1.7-Find the number that is one more or one less than any whole number* up to 10. K.1.6-Count, recognize, represent, name and order a number of objects (up to 10). K.1.8-Use correctly the words one/many, none/some/all, more/less, and most/least.

Our Wee Sprouts today are green pea pods and carrots. For breakfast, Lisa served English muffins with peanut butter and pear slices. Lunch was melted ham and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, peas and more pear slices! Snack will be yogurt and apples.

Have a great day!