WF Daily Explorations Wednesday 2/29


Today Lisa brought in a fabulous counting book called Elevator Magic. Using the message board, she created a Wee Tower with 10 floors and an elevator. As she read the book aloud, friends counted their way down from the top floor to the bottom floor. Afterwards, Laurie worked with a few friends to identify how many syllables were in each number when the number was spelled out. (ex: one (1), seven (2).


At the art table, we filled several trays with sand. Lisa held up a letter and friends traced that letter in the sand.

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The next sensorial delight was the purple Play-Doh. We set out lower case letters for friends to work with, as well as cookie cutters and various Play-Doh tools.


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Our princesses requested a round of acting out “Malificent”. We gathered in the reading area and looked through every fairy tale book we have to discover other stories with a villainous character. When The Three Little Pigs was pulled out, friends squealed (heehee!) with delight and we discussed first, what a villain is and secondly, who the villain is in the story. We read The Three Little Pigs, the kids cast themselves and we acted it out.


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Afterwards, we found another villainous character in Jack and the Beanstalk. We read through it, friends cast themselves and away we went to the habitrail (the beanstalk) and acted out an original version of the story that involved a princess in captivity, two Giants, two Geese and a sparkly golden egg!

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Later, we created a story board where friends drew the part of the story that made the biggest impression.


Our Wee Sprouts today are green pea pods and carrots. Breakfast was Corn Chex and clementines. For lunch Tami prepared cream cheese and melted cheddar cheese on whole grain tortillas, applesauce and cucumber slices. Snack will be cheese sticks and pretzels.

Enjoy your day!