WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 3/6

Today began with Chess. Kai has been promising his buddies that he would bring a set in and teach them the principles of the game. When he showed them the “Ponds”, Melinda got a piece of paper, drew a picture of a pond, spelled the words ‘pawn’ and ‘pond’ on a sheet of paper, and they discussed the differences.



Meanwhile, Fabrezio gave a small group of Wee Friends a dental floss tutorial. He showed them how to floss gently and expressed that it’s even more important than brushing teeth! He also gave the teachers information on the most effective brands to use.

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While the swimmers were away, Lisa continued the Bridge Study by reading more books about bridges. They discussed who engineers were and where different bridges are located. They recorded their discoveries on a message board. In hopscotch, friends have been creating bridges with large carpet tubes. While Melinda read aloud, she also discussed the “Three W’s” of the story: Who, Where and What. Laurie read three different versions of Jack and the Beanstalk to a small group of friends and they compared/contrasted the Three W’s.

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They played a math game using colored ice cubes. They started by asking the question “How does it feel?” Alexandra, Arleigh, Stephen and Elliott all agreed “It feels cold!”. Then, starting with two cubes, they created a group of cubes by adding two until they reached 12. They further explored the symbol for addition.

This morning ended with a Spring Concert rehearsal. We are still mapping out the details and will share them as soon as plans solidify!

And here are your swimmers…..


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FABS – Week of 3/5 Literacy: K.3.3-Identify characters, settings and important events in a story. K.3.4-Identify favorite books or stories. Math: K.2.1- Model addition by joining sets of objects (for any two sets with fewer than 10 objects when joined). K.2.3-Describe addition situations (for numbers less than 10).

Parent/Child Conversation Starters:

  • In the story Jack and the Beanstalk, what did the funny little man trade for Jack’s cow?
  • What is your most favorite story?
  • Are ice cubes hot or cold? What happens if you put an ice cube in the sun?
  • What do your arms do when you are doing a ‘front crawl’ in the swimming pool?
  • I noticed in the pictures, you are holding a friend’s hand. Why are you holding a friend’s hand when you are walking into the Y to go swimming?

Wee Sprouts today are cucumber slices and carrots. For breakfast, we had Cheerios and bananas. For lunch we served peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread, corn and applesauce.

Have a great day!