WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 3/13


Because the forecast for tomorrow is clear, sunny and warm, Tami is scheduling a trip to the farm with our older Wee Friends. Here’s the group that will be going: Ada, Annie, Arleigh, Jane, Macy, Simon, Viv and Kai. Please make sure your child has layered clothing (Tshirt/sweatshirt) and if your child doesn’t have boots here at WF, a pair of old tennis shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy.


The swimmers boarded the Weehicle at 9:30, but there were many explorations happening prior to their departure! What are the benefits of block play?

  1. Increases hand-eye coordination.
  2. Cultivates logical thinking.
  3. Cultivates spatial awareness.
  4. Improves socialization by building ‘something’ with friends and siblings.
  5. Enhances language skills by negotiating plans and talking about the end product.


Nate worked with teachers to help fold the daily towels.


Lisa invited a few friends to a message board to create patterns using letters, numbers and shapes.

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A Princess Puzzle book was discovered and our princesses worked hard to assemble these 24 piece puzzles.


Simon came to school today excited about sharing his robot arm. Melinda created a lesson plan by setting out a variety of different objects and inviting friends to see which items the robot arm could pick up. Throughout this fine motor exploration, friends discussed the size and different attributes of the items as they went along.


Macy brought a favorite book to share with her friends: Mother Goose, illustrated by B.F. Wright. When they began reciting “Baa Baa Black Sheep” they were surprised to discover a verse new to them!

“Baa Baa Black Sheep, Have you any wool?

Yes, marry, have I, three bags full.

One for my master, one for my dame,

But none for the little boy who cries down the lane!”

Originally written in 1744, a brief research indicates the above version was published in 1916!


The swimmers went on their way and back in the classroom, we filled up the senses of our younger Wee Friends! First, painting with watercolors, and then chalk and drippy wet rags to squeeze and erase with.


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Next we pulled out a bag of frozen veggies and with tubs of warm water, explored what happens to the cold frozen veggies when soaked in warm water. They squished, ate, spooned and popped green beans out of pods. Additional Wee Sprouts were mixed veggies.

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FABS – Week of 3/12: Literacy: K.2.4-Identify types of everyday print materials. K.7.4-Recite short poems, rhymes and songs. Math: K.3.1-Identify, sort, and classify objects by size, number, and other attributes. Identify objects that do not belong to a particular group. K.3.2-Identify, copy, and make simple patterns with numbers and shapes.

Our Wee Sprouts today are carrots and cucumber slices. Breakfast was Kix and pear slices. For lunch, we served romaine salad, ham sandwiches on whole wheat rolls cantelope.

Enjoy this wonderful, WARM day!!!!