WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 3/20

Once I saw a little bird Come hop, hop, hop;

So I cried, “Little bird, Will you stop, stop, stop?”

I was going to the window To say, “How do you do?”

But he shook his little tail, And far away he flew.

While the swimmers were at the Y, our remaining Wee Friends thought about birds. Inspired by the many pine cones they collected on a walk last week, Melinda and Lisa guided a bird feeder creation.


She set out two plates of peanut butter and two bowls of wild bird seed. First friends rolled the pine cone in the peanut butter. Next they dipped it into the seed bowl and covered it with seeds. Next, they attached a string and finally, put them in the refrigerator to set.









Reminder: Tomorrow, many of you have signed up for conferences with Tami at her house, 701 S. Ironwood. Call us today if there are any questions or changes! We look forward to seeing you there.
Wee Sprouts today are carrot sticks and radish slices. Breakfast was Kix and bananas. For lunch, we will serve peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat pita, green beans/carrots and apple slices.

Enjoy this beautiful day!

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 3/20

  1. I guess it must be because I am reading this before lunch- your decription of the bird treats made my stomach growl!!!!! We could switch out the birdseed for granola and the pine cone for a carrot and it would be a people-treat! 😉
    sound like a fun Spring day at WF!

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