WF Daily Explorations Thursday 3/22

It has been a beautiful spring morning in our classroom!

Many friends gathered on the rug this morning and pulled out all the building blocks. Stephen began building a tunnel. It morphed into an intensive, morning long airplane exploration. Elliott described and built runways, towers and deemed himself co-pilot to Finn’s pilot role play. Lisa invoked her eight year journey as a flight attendant and, with a perfectly scripted monologue, directed passengers to their seat, asked them to buckle up and put their tray tables up. We added environmental sounds of a jet taking off and inner flight noise. Flight Attendant Lisa gave passengers the choice between chicken and pasta and their choice of beverages. Night fell as we were in the air and the passengers slept as John Denver sang “Leaving on a Jet Plane”. We landed and headed outside!







Fabrezio reminded many friends of the importance of flossing each day!


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A small group of friends gathered at the art table after breakfast for a shape exploration. We cut out 7 shapes and identified them. Each friend took a turn creating a picture using the shapes. Other friends guessed the artist’s intention and also shared ideas about what they perceived it to be.


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After the shape study, many friends chose to stay at the table and continue creating art. Some friends drew shapes on paper and cut them out. Others created elaborate and detailed ninja creatures! Kai and Vivian dedicated their work of art to Wee Wee and walked over to share their gift.




Umi, Arleigh and Alexandra worked in housekeeping feeding, clothing and loving their babies.




Our Wee Sprouts today are carrots and cherry tomatoes. Breakfast was whole wheat toast with peanut butter and bananas. For lunch Tami prepared whole wheat turkey salad roll ups, roasted asparagus and fruit salad.

Have a great day!