WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 3/27


While the swimmers were away, the remaining Wees enjoyed having their heads (and airplanes!) in the clouds!


With cotton balls, glue and a cardboard base, WFs began creating a cloudy sky through which their airplanes could fly.





Once there was sufficient cloud coverage, WFs used felt runways to ascend through the air.



When they had finished this part of their exploration, we moved the materials to the sensory bin. Elliott requested an air traffic control tower and the work continued.


Viv found an air traffic controller.


Arleigh discovered that she could pull the cotton balls apart and went on to make a pie.


Later, Viv and Marta practiced the piano.


Parent/Teacher Partnership Info:

On another note, this Saturday the WF staff attended an outstanding conference with Michael Brandwein ( as the keynote. His focus was “Life Skills: Getting Kids Ready for Life”. We were all inspired, affirmed and excited about a formula that he presented to use when communicating with our Wee Friends. When working with our friends, we first DESCRIBE what they are doing. Secondly, we LABEL it in a positive way. Lastly, we ENCOURAGE the positive behavior. An example is: Sally is playing dominoes with her friends. She sees that another friend would like more dominoes. Sally chooses to share her dominoes with her friend.

Teacher: “Sally, I see that you have shared your dominoes with Mary. You are choosing to be very cooperative. When you are cooperative, we can all play together peacefully. Sally, thank you for being cooperative.”

Our Wee Sprouts today are broccoli crowns. Breakfast was Cheerios and clementines. For lunch, we are serving melted cheddar on whole wheat tortillas, fresh beets/peas and fresh fruit salad (strawberries, raisins and clementines.

Have a terrific day!