WF Daily Explorations 4/2

We pulled out the bunny ears and baskets this morning and the first thing we did was learn a hopping song.


“Once I saw a little bunny go hop, hop, hop,

And I said little bunny, please stop, stop, stop,

But the bunny just smiled and away he hopped,

Over to the pond…then the bunny went plop!!!”


At the art table, we pulled out the royal purple Play-doh and set out multi colored eggs for exploration.

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Along with the all the great fine motor and imagination building Play-Do offers, we love it because it builds community in our classroom! For an hour and a half this morning, a shifting group of friends sat, talked, shared and created together. This tremendous exercise in cooperation serves them well in all areas of their lives!


Jane and Annie continued to enjoy the new airplane game. They also worked with Lisa counting and sorting large and small chicks into the corresponding egg.


Simon was thrilled to have his buddy Owen to work with today.


Best buddies Nate and Finn worked together at the workbench. This work ended in a mini duet at the window. Nate sang the Notre Dame fight song and Finn belted out “Twinkle” and “Jackhammer Joy”. Nate used a whistle (piece of wood) and Finn, a guitar (magnifying glass) to accompany themselves.


Elliott set up a cockpit on the oval rug and invited the teachers to fly with him.


After lunch our older friends began a study of their street address. We started by asking the question “What is the name of your street?” We identified each friend’s street name and house address and then they drew a detailed picture of their house. We will send these home in time for the holiday weekend, for those friends who may need to leave directions for a bunny visit.

Our Wee Sprouts today are carrots and tomatoes. Breakfast was peanut butter on whole wheat toast and pear slices. For lunch, we served whole wheat pasta with marinara, mixed veggies and fruit salad. For pm snack, we will serve Hummingbird cake (banana/pineapple bread).

Have a great Monday.