WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 4/10


This year’s Garden Growing Committee is being headed by Paulina Hayden, Amy Crosson and the Tank/Chaddington family. They are inviting Wee/Wee Wee families to the backyard this Wednesday at 5:30pm for a work party to prepare the soil. If you’d like to help this year, please bring a shovel and a picnic dinner Wednesday afternoon! The Committee will be scheduling more work parties in the future, probably on Thursday afternoons henceforth. Please contact Paulina at Wee Wee Friends for additional information. We welcome any plant donations as well!

The swimmers wrapped up their last swimming lesson (for this session) this morning! As always, Wee Friends had a blast, learned a lot and can’t wait to start again next Tuesday. On Monday’s blog, we will post the names of returning and new swimmers for the next session.

Tomorrow, Tami will be taking Lea, Nate, Finn, Marta, Elliott, Umi, Alexandra and Stephen to the farm. The weather forecast calls for a very chilly day so please double and triple layer your Wee Friend-it will be very cold! We will aim at leaving Wee Friends by 9:30 and return in time for lunch.

Back in the classroom, a small group of remaining friends enjoyed a quiet morning. They started at the art table working on homemade greeting cards.



Elliott encouraged and guided Lea to slide down the fireman’s pole.



Arleigh and Marta worked side by side sharing blocks.


Lisa worked with a small group of friends on exploring small/medium/large.


Lea pulled out the gear shifts and Elliott joined her exploration.



Last week, our friend Max brought Eric Carle’s Little Cloud to school. After reading it, a small group of friends discussed how rain falls from clouds. We remembered last week’s science experiment with shaving cream and watercolor rain. Alexandra exclaimed, “Let’s make sunshine today!” Friends agreed that yellow and blue were the colors to use and we moved to the art table to create sunshine with tempera paints on white paper.





Our Wee Sprouts today are pea pods and carrots. Breakfast was Chex and pear slices. For lunch, Lisa prepared ham sandwiches on whole wheat bread, fruit salad (bananas, raisins and mandarin oranges) and peas.

FABS for this week are: Literacy: K.4.6-Ask how and why questions about a topic of interest. K.4.8- Organize and classify information into categories of how and why or by color and size. Math: K.6.3-Explain the reasoning used with concrete objects and pictures.

Happy Day.