WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 4/17


Elliott’s Nana spent the morning with us! Elliott was thrilled and we all enjoyed having her!

Before the swimmers took off, we gathered on the oval read to read Pigs in the Mud: the book that has inspired our original play! We worked on memorizing “On no! Won’t do. Gotta shoo, but who?”: a repetitive line from the book. This small group time turned into an chicken/egg exploration with Fabrizio passing out real eggs!


We have a new group of swimmers today! Here are some photos from the morning.








Back in the classroom, we explored cooked and uncooked spaghetti.


We used many materials as we explored: various colors of tempera paint for sauce; Play-Do for meatballs and corn starch for parmesan cheese. Friends squished the paint, sprinkled the cheese, used a rolling pin to roll over the noodles, twisted noodles onto a fork, pushed noodles down deep into a cup (and pulled them out again); listened for the ‘crunch’ when a cookie cutter pressed down onto the uncooked noodles; and baked cakes and cookies!



This week’s FABS: K.2.3 Literacy: Generate and respond to questions (who, what, where). K.3.5 Understand what is heard or seen by responding to questions (who, what, where). Math: K.6.4: Make precise calculations and check the validity of the results in the context of the problem.

Our Wee sprouts today are cucumber slices and carrots. Breakfast was Malt-O-Meal with applesauce. For lunch, Tami served peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread, bananas and corn. THANK YOU Tank/Chadderton family for the delicious watermelon!

Have a great day.