WWF, 4-19-2012


Aiden started off the day with tummy time! He was laughing to himself as he was playing with a teething ring. He flips from his stomach to his back with great persistence and ease.


Miss Paulina gathered a group of children and went to the ABC puzzle we worked on yesterday. The name cards were used as our friends called out the picture on the card. Ozzie did a great job at recognizing not only the child but the letter that their name started with. Chloe made sure to yell out the names that she knew. When Claras name came up, Chloe said “Shh..sleeping.”


Since Ellie was out for the day, Miss Paulina prompted our children with the following question: “Where’s Ellie?” Elizabeth answered, “She’s hiding!” and proceeded to get up from her spot and start looking for her! Her friends followed her as they looked for Ellie throughout the house.


Sloane was a big help by naming the children and helping Miss Paulina turn the name cards.


While outside, Ozzie laughed enthusiastically as he ran with the blue horse around the bike circle.


Marina walked around the circle with her grocery cart. She made sure to stay on the pavement and when her grocery cart went into the pea gravel, she said “Help please!”


Jada used all of her gross motor skills as she climbed up the wooden house. Once to the top, she yelled, “I did it!”


Sloane used her arm strength by pushing her grocery cart in front of her. She would run up to it again and push it further!


Elizabeth, Jada, and Olivia climbed up the wooden house together and once at the top began laughing with each other! Olivia even used her balancing skills to lay in the middle of the house.


For breakfast, our friends enjoyed cinnamon toast and bananas. AM snack was carrots and peppers. Lunch consisted of egg casserole with cheese, sausage, and bread along with fresh cantaloupe and green peas. The fresh cantaloupe has been a hit the last couple times that we’ve had it :)! PM snack was graham crackers and raisins.



Have a great evening!
