WF Daily Explorations Monday 4/23


Today Arleigh Hope turns four! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARLEIGH!_MG_1377

Parent Information

  • Swimming as usual Tuesday 4/25. Weehicle pulls out at 9:30
  • This Wednesday, 4/25, Tami will be taking the older group of WF to the farm.
  • This Thursday, 4/26, Casey from Paths to Quality (PTQ) will be here observing the WF classroom.
  • If you haven’t filled out a video/photo release permission form and returned it to us, please do s as soon as you are able. We have a stack of them on the kitchen island.
  • On Monday, May 14 @ 5:30 we are having a WF picnic/spring concert at Potawatomi Park (rain check date the following Monday 5/21) Based on your feedback, it will be a potluck and Tami will have a sign up list posted in the classroom as the dates draws nearer.


To celebrate Arleigh’s bday, we indulged in the very rare chocolate pudding (dirt) and gummy candy (worms)! After exploring the cold, gushy, squishy, dirt and the stretchy, rubbery, slippery, ‘squishable’ worms, friends got to eat one worm and scoop and lick the pudding.








When WF arrived this morning, many of them noticed that the live worms in the aquarium were ‘stinky’. After discussing why this happens, we sat down to to research the answer.


When we discovered it was a defense mechanism to keep them safe from animals who want to eat them, we acted out a scenario in which a flock of birds descended upon a stinky worm. We problem solved what the birds (and worm!) should do.


A few friends practiced writing the uppercase “W” using tracing and dot-to-dot techniques.


After gymnastics this morning, friends rushed through the door to show us their stamp of the week: a worm!!!!!!!!!

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While the teachers set up the art table, friends paired off for some work/play time and a Wee Sprouts break.




We re-gathered at the art table to create an earthen mural with brown tempera paint.




Our Wee Sprouts today are carrots. Breakfast was Corn Chex and bananas. For lunch, Tami prepared whole wheat spaghetti pasta/marinara and with it we served peas and pears. Snack will be pretzels and cheese.

Have a terrific day.