WWF, 4-23-2012

Hope everyone had a terrific weekend!

Ozzie started his Monday by reviewing his alphabet. He said his ABC’s while walking on the ABC puzzle. He noted that the ‘Z’ was missing! He then gathered a few cars and trains and pretended that he was going on a vacation.

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Clara is walking all over! She spent some time in the kitchen where she used different utensils to eat food that a few friends were preparing for her.


Olivia spent time in the kitchen where she worked with play-dough. Her attention span while doing this activity was great! She enjoyed using different utensils to flatten the play-dough.


Jada, Marina, and Sloane joined each other in the kitchen to paint! They admired each others painting and called out the color that their friends were using. We’re getting very good at making precise movements with our paint brushes!

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Aiden enjoyed reaching for his toys today. He’s making many different noises with his mouth while playing at Wee Wee Friends. While having tummy time, he frequently rolls over to his back to play with his toys. He is beginning to explore his surroundings at WWF.


Elizabeth really enjoys the hammock. We have been bringing it out more often and on a daily basis. It’s a great “rest” place for some of our later nappers, and it’s just plain fun to swing in. 🙂


For breakfast, we served cheerios and fresh pears. AM snack was snap peas. Lunch consisted of whole wheat spaghetti and marinara, fresh pears, and green peas. PM snack was crackers and cheese. Our late afternoon snack was carrots.

Have a great night!
