WWF, 5-1-2012

Happy May!

Here are pictures that were taken throughout last week. We weren’t able to post any blogs due to computer problems but now we’re back running!

Aiden loved his floor time last week and is now starting to get up on his hands and knees! He’ll be crawling in no time!

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A friend came to visit us last week: a squirrel! We all loved the visit, especially P.K!

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Our flower board has been a big hit! Children are being creative and having a blast making their own flowers.

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While outside, Ozzie and Olivia worked on their balancing skills on the tree stumps. They both put their arms out to help them with their balance.

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Clara and P.K. walked together outside! P.K. leaned in to give Clara a hug as they walked over to the sandbox.


During music time, Marina used a bean bag as an instrument during the ‘lady bug’ song. She moved the bean bag from hand to hand while listening to the beads inside the bag. P.K. also made musical sounds but he chose to take two hard items and bang them together.

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Ozzie giggled and laughed while he and Paulina sang a song together!


Jada focused intently as she built houses and different items using the waffle blocks. She was talking to herself about what she was doing!


Chloe twirled the ribbon around as she listened to music. She had a big smile on her face!


Our friends had some cuddle time with Ms. Paulina as they sang songs together.


Our Wee Friends let us borrow a few tents to set up! Children loved crawling and walking in the tents. Jada and Elizabeth chose to take babies in there and play make believe as Mommies!

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Today, our friends participated in music time where they used scarves and musical shakers to follow along with the guitar. We went outside where children played in the sand box along with riding bikes and pushing the grocery carts!



For breakfast, our friends enjoyed toast with butter and cinnamon and bananas. Our AM snack was snap peas. Lunch consisted of eggs, pineapple, and mixed vegetables. PM snack was string cheese and apples.

Have a great evening!
