WWF, 5/3/2012

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Good Afternoon!

***Since the weather is starting to get warmer and we are getting closer to our summer months, please bring in at least TWO full summer outfits (top and bottom) by Monday.  If you want your child to wear a certain sunscreen, please bring that in as well! Thanks so much!

Our friends started off their morning with music time along with a session of baby yoga. While dancing, Elizabeth swayed her arms back and forth. She loved doing this motion and laughed the entire time! Marina took a blue scarf and was participating in baby yoga. It was a relaxation period where she went behind the chair and rested her body.

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Clara used the scarves to put over her head. She then whipped her head back so the scarf would fall off of her head. Ellie participated in a musical song where our friends follow directions. This specific direction was putting your tongue out of your mouth. Ellie thought it was very fun and she even made noises with her tongue!

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At the end of music time, our friends gathered babies and we put them to sleep by singing to them. Elizabeth wrapped her baby up in a blanket and put her in a little bed. She moved back to forth with the basket to try and get the baby to sleep.


Children sang a song where they each got to take a turn to ‘hide’ and their friends would find them. Marina covered her eyes and then when her friends found her she opened her arms wide and said, “I’m here!”

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With the temperature high today, we filled the sensory tub outside with water. Our friends splashed around in the water while talking with their friends.


P.K. laughed as he splashed in the water, getting his face all wet. Olivia made a silly face when the water went in her face!

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Our friends even drank the water! Clara put her fingers to her mouth to suck the water off of them.

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Our friends splashed the water so much that the ground became wet as well as their feet!

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For breakfast, our friends enjoyed cereal with milk and bananas. AM snack was corn. Lunch consisted of farm fresh egg casserole, pears, and carrots. PM snack was whole wheat crackers and banana.

Have a great night!
